2025 Officers

Jane Williamson, President
Marisa Chambers,1st VP Programs
Portia Brown, 2nd VP Membership
Mary Lu Divilbliss, 3rd VP Marketing
Janet Thompson, Treasurer
Judi Thomas, Secretary
Past Presidents
Claudia Laird 2016
Stacey Buick 2017-2018
Johnnie Seago 2019
Sylvia Olszway 2020
Caroline McWilliams 2021
Dar Kurtz 2022
Charlotte Belin 2023-2024
Membership Form
Registered voters may become members of our organization. Please complete and return the form with appropriate dues. We cannot accept corporate checks.
Membership fees of $35/$25 are increased for online payment due to service charges from PayPal.
For renewal, if there is no change in member's information AND renewal is done with PayPal, a membership form is not required to renew membership.
To pay by mail, please send check with membership form to:
PO Box 1081
Conroe, TX 77305

Charter Members

Claudia Laird Kristin Bays
Shelly Murski ​Sandy Martin
Caroline Griffin McWilliams Lorraine May
Johnnie Seago Debi Hix
Sandy Apostolo Frances Laird
Janell Volke Jill Simonsen
Mary Wagers Rachel Williams
Renell Pedigo Lisa Bruce
Sheri Mericle Mari Vande Ven
Georgette Whatley Sandi Curtis
Dawn Dietz Stacey Buick
Stephaney Buick
Initial Organizational Meeting in April of 2016